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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Thursday, October 16, 2003

I'm minding my own business doing some work on a website for a business person that requires my expertise .. for some reason I'm quite good at making websites and I recieve an email with this address to click on... I invite people to click here as well because well it's funny... I wouldn't post it if it wasn't... but umm marcus your very strange and have too much time on your hands.. yes even more than me.. and that's scary lol.... pay perticular attention to snack or scat.. that one is great... and for information perposes only .. I scored 14 out of 16 on the sex or something else.. does this mean I have a craving for sex? or that my smarts allowed me to pick out the correct answers?? or there could be 2 others.. that some of you think I watch porn or something... by the way no I dont and shut up if you think I do :P ... and of course the other one.. (which is the correct one) I'm a very very good guesser..... blah at you sickos out there that got 16 out of 16 yew cheated or perhaps you watch more porn than marcus does heheheheh.... well so the idea of a community blog sounds good by the response I got.. perhaps I'll put some effort into it... I knew you'd all like that cause I'm so smart (like someone said I was) as far as the colors in this page of crap.. I"ve redesigned twice so far so one more color change wont hurt... but only cause in the training class I couldn't read the damned thing ... some loser had the contrast and brightness turned way down so couldn't see shit... but I spose it can be hard on the eyes.. but I'm only changing it so people will continue to come back... I like fans :P lol.... and well perhaps I'll try to please them.... no marcus I'm not puttin nekkid donkeys on here ... anyway more to come on the community blog... I"m thinking about it


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