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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Sunday, October 26, 2003

Ok so I'm going to make a statement... yep I've been called a loser.. and well as much as I'll just have to agree with the statement.. I'll have to make a few arguements to try to contradict the verdict...

reason number (1) why I"m not a loser.. I've travelled the world... not many people can say they have been anywhere other than home... I have been accross the vast country of canada... and even over the atlantic to the busy London downtown in England... (that place is crazy) ...

reason number (2) my outstanding personallity that I get praised about... though it often gets me in trubble for some reason people smile around me.. perhaps they are laughing at me but ya know what... I dun care

reason number (3) I just dont care anymore lol

reason number (4) do yew care??

reason number (5) my bank account gets used frequently (but not to buy friends)

reason number (6) I wish I could remember

reason number (7) well I'd rather not reveal this one.. because well a select few have found out and well why ruin the suprise :P (if yew dont get this one.. yew dont deserve to)

reason number (8) some people regard me as smart... and well I can't blame them for that I often tell them how to do shit... yew know like laugh.. or do their job.. two things I"m good at

reason number (9) man can I ever dance.. I have gotten rave reviews... though do yew think anyone would ask me to dance??? nope... I hate that I"m shy (comes with being a loser oops I"m not a loser remember)

and of course reason number (10) :
LeeEeeMuR says:
yeah.. reasons why I"m not a loser lol
S @ bro's says:
short list
LeeEeeMuR says:
how rude lol

... I must say number 10 was horrible but I had to add it cause it's funny and well a private joke (sorry folks)


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