Don't Laugh It's My Page Of Crap

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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Monday, October 20, 2003

well we all like to roam... but nobody gets to do it anymore... supervisors have their favourites and well not everyone can be picked but not everyone can be good enogh to go.... personally I think I'm adaquate for the job.. maybe not the best for the job but at least they seem like me and well they seem to learn from me... others that I have seen roaming like to step on toes (one agent is answering question but other agent comes over and butts in not fully understanding issue) or give incorrect information... I can't count how many times I've had to correct previously told information to A-Bay agents that were told something that isnt' valid and the best one as an example... they were told they weren't allowed to call helpdesk... how weird is that.. anyway I"m not going to go on about it because it's pointless and well haha people will just get mad at me (not that I care lol) and umm the jealous people can blow chunks

on a brighter note ... I now have a picture of buck nekkid with chicks on the community blog... I thought it would be an interesting addition to the page... but again everyone has opionions for input... if anyone wants to have input on the look of the community blog join now... send me an email at and we'll get yew a login... then yew too can post crap with the rest of us lol....


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