moving up in the world is hard to do ... specially when yew dont kiss butt.... unlike some people... though since I was approached yesterday to start in tier 2 things are looking up... still can't believe I was listed number 4 of the applicants... anyway I must thank a few people for that.... yes firstly the person that dropped off .. didn't want to have the shitty shift I'm going to take lmao... secondly have to thank my favorite supervisor earl (even though he prob will never read this) because without his help I'd never make it out of tier 1 and well probably would not be still working here lol..... but moving on .... the update for the website is coming along and have the next 2 days off soooooo big chunk of it will get done as yew can see here it's going to be revamped quite extensivly... but tons of things are happening at the moment lol ... now for the funny part.... oops there is no funny part today... perhaps I'll have a story later but for now check out the pic marcus sent me... and lets have a guessing game who it is meant to be??

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