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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

so I'm becoming quite the story teller so I'll have to make them shorter now.. (low attention spans of my readers... ooops that's only marcus) and I spose I wasnt going to tell my story about my 2 hour and 15 minute call that when I started had aprox 2 hours till the end of my shift and well was nearly in need of peeing my pants.... well 2 hours later I finally finished the call and transfered to customer service to cancel his account... (his dial account yew silly people I did fix him) ... ok that's the short version now for the story so do yew know what was wrong with him... why was I on the call so long???? because I somehow have a heart... the gentleman was punted back and forth from msn to qwest and back a number of times.. he knew the troubleshooting steps before I could take him through and well I took him through a few steps for blinking link and out of desparation decided to get him to unplug everything and use a diff jack.. turned out to be the one he had phone on with dual filter... he (much appretiatly to me but without my knowledge till he did it) used an extention other than the one we supplied and amazingly got solid link light.. so yes that should be the end of the call.. half an hour gone by

but there's more....

so he plugs this cord back into the other jack to test the jack.. excellent still solid link light.. and I inform him that he'll want to use a shorter cable in the future and move on... great so lets get him online.... next problem.. can't bring up pages not even modem manager page... great lets hard code.... wonderful slow machine (win ME) amazingly he has tons of ram and pentium 4 .. must be lots of software and other junk.. but anyway this is where I lost all track of time.. and I have no clue what took so long but keeping it short we did everything to get connected to modem and nothing worked... sooooo call help desk and wonderful I answer my own questions as usual.. (shame on me for calling them) and so we uninstall and reinstall tcp/ip ... and great after rebooting for the 10th time can now connect to internet... great end of call again... an hour must have gone by at this point... umm I mean after the first half hour so we are at 1 and half hour into call

but there's more.....

as you may have guessed by the first part of the story customer has a dialup account and well yew guessed it my 2nd favourite issue.. yes duplicate tile issue... so we clear dialing info and sign in show him how to back up his email and save it to folder.. remove the account and add in new account.. have to reset password as usual.. (fukn qwest bastards) and to my amazement still have not pissed my pants.. got him connected into the software and on the internet.. I'm just so great and if I didn't need to piss so bad I prob would have gotten kudies for it but screw that sent him to customer service to cancel and off to the toilet I run.... with Susan laughing at me.. how horrible but I made it and am still the greatest agent on the floor (mock snickers)


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