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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Sunday, December 07, 2003

so I early outted tonight... yep had to go to the party... and am ever glad I did.. had a wonderful time.. got drunk and well laffed at everyone.... I got tons of good pics tonight.. not sure if anyone wants me to post them but I'll be asking permission soon... and yes of course a website to come.. though I'm sure most people except "barb" wont mind.. but me being the genuinly nice guy I must ask permission first lol ... very dissapointed that I didn't see a few people there but I have to say there were a few very nice people there that I must say hey hey to em... course one of em was super steve .. he already has a job... knew he would... and woo hooo some girl I dont know but I must say I gotta find out ... anyway that's besides the point.. the pics I got are quite good and well when I get permission of the people involved I will have them posted with of course comments so everyone can see and because of the content.. well that could take some time.. (aren't yew glad yew didn't show up?) just kidding .. yeah I have to take into account that I early outted again and say that even though I did.. I did go back to see if it was busy.. and well sadly must report that they didn't need me... it was dead when I went back.. though they said it was busy while I was gone.. just not when I showed up again lol... poor people but yeah at least I went back to see if everything was ok.. more than I can say about others.. oh well another drunken night gone.. and well perhaps one of my last for a long time.. cause well I'm back on a written warning again.. stupid points... at least when the freeze is up.. I"ll be back to the same amount of points and a month later another point comes off.. soooooooooo I'm still a good agent.. just not a great agent lol... back to werk tomorrow.. then gotta do some fukn plumbing on monday.. get that shit over with before it gets tooooo cold and can't do it no more....... yew shoulda been at the party if yew weren't... but if yew were chances I got a pic of yew being bad.. specially yew (mildred :P) hahhahahhah


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Creater: Joe Earhart