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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...
Freaky post #1
it's been a question I've wondered about for quite some time..... why do we do it..... the answer is obvious but there is controversy behind it... like it makes sence but also if yew really concider it... it makes absolutely no sence..... why..... do we wash our hands??? yew know yew see the signs everywhere ... clean bacteria .... wash hands or yew'll die... that sort of thing... I mean I do wash my hands and all because ... well it's disgusting if yew dont..... but really now.... there are many people that just dont wash their hands.... and well they put there fillthy unwashed hands on the same things yew do... after yew just washed your hands.... so really .. what's the point? .... furget the fact that well ... at least for a guy anyway.... they go up to a urinal.... and well yew do yewr business... and put yer shit away.... didn't wash yer hands yet.. press the silly button to flush or rinse or whatever yew wanna call it.... and then some people dart out the door.. grabbing the handle on the way out..... ok so the germs that we so call wash off is sitting right there..... now for the rest of us.... and this is equally disturbing if yew ponder it..... we go over... without washing our hands grab the handle to turn on the water..... germs there isn't there.... yeah I thought so..... press the soap thing... morer germs and haven't washed hands yet still.... :P ..... proceed to wash hands... and ooops yew pressed the lever or whatever to turn off the water... remember the same one yew pressed to turn it on............. before washing hands............. so then yew go and grab the towell... and well spread the so called germs there.... but wait..... how bout the rest of the people that did the same thing before yew did.... now yew have all their germs as well as your own ...... oh but yew still have to leave the room... keeping in mind that some people dont wash their hands.... all them germs are there tooo.... hahahah so as yew can see it's pointless.... except the fact that well for those that wash their hands (myself included) will at least be rid of half of the so called germs....... there is one thing that actually fixes this though..... yeah they are in some toilet rooms.... the handless dryers and sinks... the ones with the motion detectors (that only work sometimes)... no touching .. no germs... now if they put them automatic doors on the toilet too... that would get rid of the rest of it..... perhaps I should put my thinking cap away ... but ummm have a nice "clean" day....
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Creater: Joe Earhart
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