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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...
sooo had a boring nite at werk tonight and wasn't inspired (because I"m not at my own fukn desk) so can't get into creating stupid crafts lol... but I"m off for the next 4 days wooo hooooo.... problem is I wont be around the internet for 3 of them at least... that's going to suck lmao.... but I"m going to hermans woooooohooooooo
I haven't really been excited to go there ever but I"m looking forward to going there this weekend.... I'll probably be wasted but well ya never know with me lol... I"m feeling way over my sicky... still have bit of scratchy throat but I just dont care lol.... anyway not sure what's going on yet but I might even take myself snowboarding on the weekend... hell I"m off for 4 days gotta at least take advantage of it.. and not spend it doing laundry for fuk sakes lmao...... but here's to havin a beer and if you wanna join in... ya know the way to hermans.. I'll be there probably all night lol... yes even at the dead point after 12 but before 2 lol.. hell I may even make time (if I wake up) to get my head hair chopped off... perhaps it wont make me look so sick lol ... people keep complaining ... or ummm telling me rather.... that I dont look well... prob because I took the weedwacker to my face in the middle of being sick and well showed up to werk with an albert einstien hair doo...... but looking sick at the same time..... hhmmmm yeah I spose I'll just have to make the time ... gotta look semi presentable when I"m drunk at hermans .... I am sure there's bound to be some people that may take notice of the drunk sick guy in the corner that just plain old looks like shit... yeah stay away from him lololol.... anyway if your up for it come out for the party.. if ya dont... I'll be drunk and wont see ya anyway lmao... here's to drunken weekend...
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Creater: Joe Earhart
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