Night of posts
what is it about people that expect things of other people.... like if yew go to a bar.. yew gotta drink alcohol... there are other reasons to go to a bar ya know.... also if ya go to a restaurant they think yew gotta buy summin... it's not like yew went in there to use their toilet... that's just illegal.. they'd rather yew shit on their doorstep or summin...... perhaps like the first date a couple has... ya gotta kiss the person or summin..... ya can't just go have a good time and well say gewd night and leave the kiss for a speshul time lol.... other habits that one would expect something include praying if yew go in a church.. yew couldn't just go in looking for someone.... coming out of a doctors office people think yer sick.. perhaps yew might have played golf with the doc... who knows.... incinuations are everywhere.... oooooOOOOooooo here's another one... yer in the red light district... perhaps yewr not desparate.. yew just went to ask yer friend for a favour or summin (no not a quickie)... or yer or yewr friend just happens to live there sheesh (and no he or she is not a hoe lol)anyway with valentines coming up ya think things should be a bit more speshul and not what's generally expected of yew... perhaps not... depends on the people involved... I"d like to think it would be more effective to use a meaningfull smooth approach.. perhaps something quiet and rememerable.... ya know to keep the flame alive or make it grow a bit...... I"m all about great things and friendships lol but I guess that's not the case with some people.... I heard a crazy storys about some peoples ideas of great valentines things and they included outlandish things that I just wouldn't dare repeat cause they were so lame and not worth my comment except to say they were horrible lol..... but that asside... I"ll just have to come up with my great valentine... it's not extravagent but the presentation is what makes it memorable (and or) speshul lol ... perhaps some would remark it as hopeless romantic ... but I would rather the term "great" lol gewd luck to everyone with their valentines hope your day is more speshul than mine (I gotta werk lmao... but not everyone does).....
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