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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Saturday, February 21, 2004

so I'm talking to a gentleman from god knows where and he has a stuck lim port.... and I ask him to unplug his dsl line so we can run a test to verify this... he says lets pretend that I unplugged it and go on to the next step.... so I go through and suggest that the results of the test will not be verified if we dont do the step.... the gentleman then says ok well it's unplugged now... (but he didn't do nuthin) so I say ummm lovely lets continue..... I tell my neighbour what's goin on and he suggest we pretend that we fixed the issue and thanx fer callin msn....... I like the way he thinks lol.... I can only imagine what the dood would have said if I had gone and told him that.... even though the issue he had really didn't matter what we did it's just the fact that he wasn't co-operating that's what discourages us from helping customers.... and they wonder why they have shitty service lol.......


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Creater: Joe Earhart