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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

well now the road trip is getting interesting... have a confirmed person coming along... now for someone to share in the fun ..... I could joke and say "someone prefferably with a car" lol but that would be wrong... but one change at a time... getting my sleep habits under control... next to utilize the day that I'm opening up for myself..... gotta get my license ... I'm sick of holding on to my beginners forever lol..... it will become nessesary for a cheaper and more comfortable road trip lol... the bus ... though it has advantages of more interesting sites and places... it lacks in the ability to go in any old direction and that's what I'm looking for.... but....... there is to be a trial run.... yes the halifax excursion ...... am planning a trip to halifax for a bar weekend out... and this is to take place sometime next month..... I have my travel companion..... get yours and sign up lol....


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