WHY????? do people think that microsoft is msn or msn is microsoft..... it's very dumb of a person to keep typing something when your telling them to type something .... but they are typing something else..... of course when I get a person to type in www.microsoft.com I expect them to type in www.msn.com.... no no no I mean microsoft.... yew get it??? .... but customer always says I dont understand yew sir... your msn aren't yew??? yes that may very well be but I still want you to type in "microsoft" and then your wonderful customer says.... well why didn't you just say so?? ... unfortunatly you stupid moron yew didn't understand the difference between windowsupdates.microsoft.com...... for some ungodly reason you thought that msn was in charge of your operating system.... (well I spose that could be true in some fashion lol) but in any event we still need one of them magical buttons that zaps the customer when they do something we dont like.... I'm gonna have to add a knife to the process though... if they do it too much it stabs them so they get the hint... more to follow later....
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