Gross topik #2
Time is less and less available for me these days... well that's sorta not true but not spending my extra spare time (and I have lots of it ususally) in front of the computer.... but I've been getting complaints that I haven't updated and am slipping... well I can't put off my personal life for yew to fill up yers lmao..... (spose that was a mean shot) but anyway I have a topik that has been messed with before... yes yew know the one..... nasty people in the bathroom..... picture yer sitting on da can and well I spose yewr pickin yer nose.... welll there is a wall on the left of yew and the toilet paper on the right of yew... I guess the extra effort in grabbing a piece of paper and blowing yer nose or at least wiping the crap off yer fingers is just toooo exerting... or perhaps yew just want to gross the next user of the sanctum of the bowl... and decide to use the wall instead.. ...
I just dont get it.. why are boogers on the wall every time I go into (any of) the toilets in my workplace.... it's terrible... it would be just as easy to grab a piece of toilet paper from the opposite side of the stall... oh sure the paper might stick to yer finger for a moment.. but hell it dun stick to yer ass .... hate to think what the booger wipers do with their shit on their ass... perhaps they wait till they get home and dragg their ass on the carpet... (makin me sick just thinkin bout it) but enough of this I got werk to do gotta finish the cards for the baby shower (no not mine sheesh)......
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