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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

I'm bored.... yes bored... I am waiting for my laundry to finish... and because I haven' t been home in so long (for any length of time) I really dont recall what I used to do on the computer... for some reason I always had something to do... now I"m just sitting here actually watching tv.. because I can't find something better to do ... though I am sure if I was in the mood I could rig up something on my website.. I just dont feel the need right now lol (lazy as always) anyway closer to getting a place of my own yes a place where I can kick back .. grab a beer... play music... or fall assleep on the floor (if I so desired... ya know) but that shall have to wait I'm certain it will happen soon lol for now I must get back to laundry and being bored


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Creater: Joe Earhart