Gross Topik #4
(I think)we all have done it at some point in our life.. but I must say when your a grown person (unless yew have a mental deficioncy???) there should be no reason what so ever ... to have food all over your face... that's right food... not dried to it.. (cause we all have tendancy to forget to wipe mustard or something) but dripping ... ooozing gunk (remnants of food) on our face.... most people will at least wipe it with their sleeve or something but I must say most people wont even be that bad at work.... I can't really go into that subject but anyone that works with me has probably experienced it or knows what I'm talking about.... anyway this perticular person has a thing for food apperantly... yes I was walking by the desks going to meet up with the lady that drives me to work and I was carrying a tupperware with icky food in it (had been sitting all day on a desk) and I just happen to walk past this person... the person says to me... with a dreamy look in eye... and tongue hanging out.. drooling of sorts .... I'd have to say.... asks me.... what's in that (reffering to the tupperware)... I kept walking away thinking... didn't yew have enough to eat today? I can still see half of it on your mouth... cringe cringe.... I think this is possibly werse than the B.O. story I told a while ago.... but the bad part is.. a few days ago I happend to be walking by ... I was roaming that day (helpdesk thing) and I could smell this stench worse than rotting fish on the fishplant.... but remotly the same... I nearly puked... and now that your as sick as I am I will leave ya to it.... enjoy your putrid day lol....
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