I was going to add more to the story but I got so wrapped up in life that I neglected to type any of it out... yes I've become a person that barely looks at the computer except for obtaining mewvies.... worst thing is I miss it... and when I get in front of the computer (cept for at work) I find that I dont do anything except mewvies or check email... but yew all dun wanna know bout that... I had a juicy story to tell but it's a bit over the top and I refuse to lower myself to that... but I'll think up another one and perhaps let ya'll know bout it.... (this is boring drivil isn't it) so I went to the crappywood on friday night (first time in a few weeks) and met up with a few old buddies.... they were goin around trying to pick up something.. and well they did... they picked up the biggest ugliest skank there was there and didn't seem to mind at all..... and she was just after propositioning another set of buddies of mine.... (I think I need new friends) so saturday I spent my time at a wedding reception and that was another laff... the groom's son spent the night dancing his ass off.... and through most of it.. it was the carlton dance (from fresh prince of bel air) funny lewkin stuff.... but now I think I'll rest and try to think of a gewd story yew might enjoy....
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