I'm taking a break from listening to the other agents complain and whine about their job..... I call for a story... I'd like to tell you about a man I used to know... he's a great fella... likes to drink a lot... well one night he was going to his favorite establishment and was enjoying the moonlit walk through the quiet town he grew up in... and along his way he met a few people that he knew.. greeted them and moved along his way down the road... he occasionally looked behind him feeling that he was being watched.. but never seen anything out of the ordinary and continues on his way... when he finally gets to the bar... he notices something strange on the door.. a sign saying there is renovations going on and the place would be closed for the night... confused the man tries to think of where he can go for his nightly drink... so he rambles down the road trying to find a suitable place... but in his confusion he gets lost... going down another side street he finds a dimly lit building that has a sign for drinks and girls on the front.. and as we all know this combination is a great attraction for men... he steps in and finds he's the only one in the building except of course the bartender and the doorman... so onward to the bar he goes and orders up a drink and he asks the bartender where everyone was... the bartender didn't answer just gave the drink and continued wiping the bar with his dingy cloth... again the man tries to strike up conversation but is interupted by some music and a light flashing towards the stage... a woman comes out and starts dancing and jirating on the stage.... intrigued the man forgets about the barman and proceeds to watch the show... the show heats up and the man starts to feel funny... like he was being hypnotized.. slowly back and forth the woman dances to the beat of the music and the music starts to fade away.. the man gazes at the woman feeling mesmerized he waits for her to come towards him... in a dreamy state the man gets up and starts to walk out the door.... trying to stop himself... but with all his might he cannot.. he knows he shouldn't be going this way but he continues walking until he gets to a house that he feels he's never seen before.. he tries to open the door.. it wont budge... he breaks the window and reaches in and unlocks the door... he decides he must go up the stairs ... still foggy from the music and the mysterious woman dancing back and forth he hears someone saying orders... he begins to wonder where the voice was coming from.. but all he can hear is the music playing back and forth.. the voice fades away again... the woman continues keeping his concentration.... she dances so smooth and the voice continues with the orders... you must kill her... you must kill her... and then he finds himself in a room ... a woman is asleep on the bed... she moves slightly... the man reaches in his pocket for the knife he carries... and pulls the blade.. stabs the woman and without thinking he stabs her a few more times... in the moment of excitement he realizes what he is doing and stops... he looks at the woman and finds out he knows her.. it's his girlfriend... shock comes over the man... he forgets the voice.. telling him to do the horrendous deed... forgets the woman dancing on the stage.... forgets the bartender that doesn't speak... and remembers the worm in the drink... he didn't mean to swallow it... but he couldn't help himself something told him to swallow it.... the man drifts back to reality and finds he's holding the knife still blood all over the sheets and dripping from his hands... the woman's lifeless body ... the shock comes over him again as he remembers it's his girlfriend... he pulls back her hair and notices a tattoo on her forehead... it's not his girlfriend at all.. the woman just looks like the man's lover... the man gets up and begins to run out of the room and back down the stairs... he slips on the carpet... and falls down the stairs... the man loses conciousness ... it seems like a deep sleep for days... the man wakes up with his head throbbing and is sitting on a chair... the chair is in the middle of a room in front of a stage... on the stage the woman is finishing her routine and the bartender finally speaks... "hey mister"... the man comes out of his dream like fog... "hey mister.. your spilling your drink on my floor"... the man shakes himself and appologizes to the bartender... and asks him where he is... the bartender tells him he's in the place he visits every night.. and offers him another drink.... the man decides he must have fallen asleep, has the drink then goes home... on his way out the door he notices the sign on the outside the very same sign about renovations and that the place was closed for the night.... but how did he get in? what a strange night...
the blue text on the black background hurt my eyes. plus there should be more talking cats.
2:13 p.m.
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