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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

disturbing news at werk.... though if ya think about it it's not all that disturbing.... I would like to think about it this way ...... I have a job... it's not a good job ... and I'll never like it... but it pays me so I can do the things I like doing when I'm not there..... and I've had worse jobs.... that's what keeps me going.... now the thing that bothers me with all of this.... is the people that I work with.... (not all of them) the ones that complain about everything..... they make it so unbearable to walk into the building ... it's like going into another world..... it's a feeling that is depressing... it's like a wave... anytime I see the company logo I feel like... well I'd like to strangle the closest person to me because I picture them complaining and whining about their job.... people!! it's a job.... it's what pays the bills.. of course your not going to like it... and it's always hell... your here to do it... so lets just do it.... of course with a pay cut it makes it slightly different.... but then if ya dont take the pay cut... you (and the rest of us) wont have a job at all.... because they will just shut the place down because they can't afford it.... in all honesty they can... they can just run it cheaper somewhere else.... the only thing that really eats me up about the whole situation is the part where management will not give us a decent answer about anything.... it's horrible and I'd rather not hear anything more about it... just to do my job and hope that it gets better some time soon


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