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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

remember to wish me luck today..... I agreed to feed a giant... or rather give him a taste of an interesting food.... yes I'm going to share some of my curried chicken with Ashley (hope I spelled it right) and since he towers over me I am rather skeered about sharing... (he might kill me) well I doubt that but it's funny to think about anyway.... perhaps I shouldn't make fun but I'm sure we could all use a good laugh about things.... between losing pay and moving to a new contract... where nobody knows anything about what they are doing.. (except a very select few) and the fact that we can't learn anything about this new contract because they flip us into a different que before we even take a call.... makes me glad I signed my form (for those of yew that dont work with us dont worry bout it... it's not really important) so perhaps I'll move on.... I figure I'll give XP a shot for a while .. (if I ever get to take some calls) but I have a sneeky suspicion that I"m not gonna like this one either and I just want to quit.. more than ever now.... but I"m not giving up yet still have some dreams that I'd like to fullfill... I'm just gonna have to bring back the craft corner again haha.... I spose I'll stock up on my suplies today ... well maybe tomorrow it's fukn raining and I hate walking places in the rain... so what shall I make first? so far I"ve created a duck... cat... whimpy the poop... an elephant... a mouse and a girraffe.... now I just need ideas... so lets hear em... perhaps a mascot for work with the emblem enblazed on it's side... though I'm not sure I can fit stream sux balls on the side of a rat.....


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