I went to a weeding.... (haha) and what a great time it was.... laughter... great food... pictures and lots and lots of booze.... dancing and of course there was 2 people getting married..... did I mention there was lots of booze??? well anyway I have the scoop on the more interesting events of the night.... but I'm not gonna share most of them (because for once I'm being somewhat polite :P) except for this one.... and I'm probably gonna be killed for this but it needs to be done heheheheheheheheh..... 
the story behind this story would go as follows.... I just got married and I am sick of all these damned photo's so I'm gonna start making faces untill you all stop.... all my pictures will turn out.. and all yours will not hahaha ... ok so that's not true I just happened to get a good shot at just the right moment... but then there was this pic

unfortunatly there seems to be popular belief that this happy couple will be the next to get married ... well sposedly that may be true... cause from what I heard at the weeding (I will always call it this lol) that nobody else wants to get married lol.... anyway moving on ... there were quite the number of speshul dancers in the house.... and they would all start with kenny....

he was great... but the best dancer of night would have to fall to the groom....

he happens to really love dancing to girls just want to have fun.... ya kow by cindy lauper (whoever she was) wow great news here.... anyway moving on I found another great dancer and oddly enough he said he would never ever ever dance... .spose with enough booze anyone will lol

but I'd have to say I'm going to bed now.. you can check the rest of the
"available" photo's here... for now enjoy and always have fun at a weeding like I do
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