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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Saturday, October 02, 2004

so I'm sitting in my cube waiting for a call.. we were just in major que and I had difficulties with my pc and now recovering.... may have passed the busy section .. lucky me... great so back to the point.. I'm waiting for a call and it seems rather long.. haven't gotten a call.... I become curious... perhaps they messed up when they transferred my in ques..... nope my phone is showing I'm in a call.... but I don’t hear anything.... strange... lovely I look at my amplifyer... interesting someone has pressed the buttons on my amp so that they can hear me but I cannot hear them... great so the customer got to listen to 5 minutes (or more) of my strange humming coughing or what not .. not to mention the people walking past me I'm sure they could hear that as well... amazingly just as I'm pressing the buttons so I can hear everything the customer hangs up... great I have finally had a great call today lol


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Creater: Joe Earhart