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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Thursday, November 04, 2004

I think this is rude.... I am broke today.... and I didn't have much time to get ready for work today .... I opened two cans of disgusting soup and put it in a tupperware.... brought it to work and put it in the public fridge.... it was the only one "not"!!!! wrapped up...... I've never had a problem with this... till today.... I went to the fridge at lunch time and discovered that 3 quarters of my disgusting soup was missing.... thanks.... who would do this???? at first I thought perhaps someone spilled it by accident... yes that can happen... but why would they put it back in the fridge???? and why wasn't there a note???? someone ate my lunch.... come on people I know tomorrow is pay day... I'm broke too..... but I didn't eat someone elses lunch... that's rotton.... I can see if the disgusting soup was something else... a burger and fries... a plate of lasagnia... something good.... but it was disgusing soup people!!!!.... the reason I think someone ate it is because any traces of meat .... were gone.... there were lots of them barley bean things... a few green beans... and some carrots... no potatoes.. no meat.... and yes lots of brown watery substance.... I'm sooooo mad...... but I'll get even... I spose not... I posted a sign on the fridge... thank you for eating or spilling my supper..... Joe.....


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Creater: Joe Earhart