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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Monday, March 28, 2005

another easter celebration over with.... hope everyones was great.... I spent mine alone watching tv... movies... and converting stuff on the computer.... holidays are just another day off work lately... except that I normally dont have them off... but it was uneventfull just the way I like it... perhaps I shall even get motivated to get some things done around the house... it's getting nicer out so I wont be spending money on oil be able to save up for the summer trip.... this year will be spent in virginia I believe... but hopefully will be able to make another trip to ontario... would like to go to canada's wonderland and if there is time.. and money... visit family again... no word from the old man yet.. perhaps he may take a visit this way... with any luck... but I wont hold my breathe....


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Creater: Joe Earhart