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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

so I remembered the story... days later.. but I remembered.... here goes.... bus people are funny.... you always see something or someone interesting on the bus.... and I've probably already spoken about this but for the last few weeks on my travels to (stupid ass) darts ... I sat accross from a poor fella that apperantly doesn't get enough sleep... he decides to pass out on the bus... now this isn't normally funny but let me explain a little more in depth... there is a character that used to be on T.V. that for some reason (probably my lack of a mammory) I cannot remember... but anyway the guy is slowly fading out as he leans forward in his seat... slowly leaning untill he's almost falling over... nope he wakes up... but seconds later starts leaning again... now all of a sudden he's leaning even more this time slower and slower till he's nearly got his head touching the floor of the bus... well that's not entirely true but my exageration isn't really far off.... so this dood keeps waking up and leaning over and over till he sorta goes the opposite way and starts leaning on this poor woman (whom he was just speaking with not more than minutes before he started falling assleep) the woman just kept sitting there... all of a sudden the bus driver slams on the breaks and he kinda rolls forward and smacks his head off the plexiglass lol.... he's sitting behind the bus driver... but... this ... was just the first week... the next week he's in the same seat.. but nobody is sitting near him... (lucky for them) but again I'm sitting accross from him with crystal beside me... the guy starts passing out again... and much the same as last week but the difference was.. instead of a person sitting next to him... there is a pole.... now he's lowering slowly and slowly down and rising up real quick.. then just sorta passes out.... slams his head against the pole he's sitting next too... but.... doesn't wake up... now I'm thinking he's gotta be hurt.... that was some hell of acting or he really passed out... I honestly thought he was faking it all till he slammed his head.. you could hear the thump over the loud bus lol.... oh well I seen him on the bus this week.... but he wasn't sleepy... musta got a decent nights sleep after all.... and the other point.. this friday he wont have any troubles.. cause the bus isn't running during the holiday....


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