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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Thursday, May 05, 2005

I'm so dedicated... I enjoy myself at work.. (not) I enjoy blogging (sorta) and I enjoy wasting time... well at the moment I am wasting some time because I am bored... VTO is on the go for my contract but I can't take it .... I have to wait for my loving g/f to get off work so there is no point to get off early.... the getting off I may be able to handle... anyway that is a different story... I wish I had news to tell but I"m boring... I've become another person that just works.. eats ... sleeps.. and works... the most eventfull part of my day is the bus ride to work... ya never know what kind of weirdo your going to meet... yesterday we had entertainment on the bus... I'm just thankfull the guy with the guitar strumming away wasn't using his vocal talents as well... I may have had to freak out and jump off the bus... lol.... so I could tell the story about the cat... we got a cat from my mother (she got it from the SPCA) it was a rescued cat so it's very timid.. (or was) the cat was alright would come and sleep in the bed... didn't meow... it is litter trained... but what we didn't know .......... the cat.......... is..... umm was........... pregnant.... the cat came up to the bed one morning meowing out of control... freaking out.... well we thought it was dying or something... but then it went under the couch (it's favourite spot) and never came out.... we moved the couch... seen a puddle under the couch.... well the cat gave birth under the couch.... much to my suprise... oh well now have 2 cats... luckily the first litter doesn't always give out 50 new kittens.... now to think of a name for it... I spose couchy is too silly... I'll probably go with problem... here problem... here kitty.. here problem.....


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