well we are going to try something new... the community blog (which I haven't spoken about in ages) is going to be soon .... deleted... that is of course if people aren't using it... I noticed yesterday that there were two posts that I wasn't aware of... anyway I've made the current users... admin users.. yes that means they have run of the show over there... and they can invite anyone they wish... perhaps we'll have an interesting debate or some sort of debacle lol.... I just hope they dont wreck the layout... because I'm not fixing it :P ....
on another note... my job.... of course... I'm sick of the moronic people that call in... I ask for a phone number and they insist on telling me the name of the hotel before they happen to look at the phone ... for the number I'm asking for.... I didn't ask for the name I need the digits.... the other thing that pisses me off lately is that people call in... they have to be at a meeting or on a plane or train or whatever the hell they need to be doing in 10 minutes.. yet they need to get on the internet first it's very important that they pay 10 bux to send out that last minute email to their lover or client or boss.... that they are on their way... and then they get upset because they have to do 20 minutes worth of troubleshooting before they can get online... we dont snap our fingers and magicly make your shitty computer work people.... if we had that kind of power we would give it to you so you wouldn't call us.... but that's enough ranting for now....
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