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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Monday, July 25, 2005

drunken blog... it's back.. well it's not but it should be... I haven't done one of them in soooo long... but really I haven't had anything interesting to write about.. and worst of all no topik's... not even interesting stuff that is happening around me... I could tell about my escapades around the island while my dad has been here.. but that's just not my style... except for one kewl little note... I have now stepped foot on every single province canada has... went for a quick shot to P.E.I. on the weekend.. it's actually quite nice over there... and the beaches.. oooooOOOooo the beaches... nice.... visited the birthplace of confederation (of canada) and relearned the tales of the whole thing in a museum... I even remembered some of it from school.. quite fasinating... that just leaves two territories and one labrador (which I doubt I"ll ever get to step foot in... but someday ... it may happen... can you picture me in the yukon chatting with eskimo's??? well that's not really a stretch but what reason would I have to go there except to say I"ve been there.. not much of a reason... anyway I've just completed the new harry potter book... wow.. anyone that hasn't read one of them.... get out there and start.. they are really good.. the movies just dont do it the full justice...


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