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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Saturday, August 27, 2005

I hate blogger so much right now.... I posted a very long ... pretty decent entry.... copied it just in case it screws up as I do many times..... but pressed the wrong fukn button and the entire thing dissapeared.... and I cannot get the damned thing back.......


but I'll try again.....


pretty good vacation so far... broke up a fight... (sorta) ... got drunk... was the designated driver... went swimming.... got to drive all over creation.... well sydney area... oh and I got to go to a show... speaking of which ... the show invited a number of perverts around... the show consisted of a bunch of girls.. ranging from 6 - 18.... now when I say perverts I dont mean they were checking out the little girls.. sheesh.. I mean the teacher.... the teacher does her set .. and you could see the perverts coming from one side of the area to the other... and lets just say they got to see quite the bouncing show..... now the only reason I was even there was because my talented little brother was playing his fiddle through the show... anyway another highlight of the show.... my little brother is on stage and I'm paying attention for once.. and I hear a voice behind me... "I like the undertaker the best" I turn to see what that's bout... some dood is standing next to me looking at me..... I look back to the show.. the guy says it again... I look at him ... spose it was with a look like what the hell are yew talking about bud... he points at my shirt and says "yeah I like the undertaker"... I look at my shirt.. I forgot that I now have a pile of wrestling shirts.. thanks to a very good friend.... anyway the guy continues.. even though I turned back to watch my brother on stage... he says ... "yeah I think he's going to retire soon"... looking back at him with an annoyed look.... I spose... and turn back to my brother... spose the guy got dissapointed or felt hurt or some silly shit... as I was turning back he put on a face ... like I was dissing him or something.. perhaps even ignoring him.. or thlinking I was better than he was... though I spose I am... and I didn't give it a second thought.... went on watching the show.. but now I'm that I'm thinking about it.... kinda remembering the movie phone booth.... a strange fella walks up to him trying to give him a pizza... but of course the guy gets brushed off like a piece of garbage... anyway I spose the wrestling dood kinda felt like that (though I wasn't as rude) ... but I doubt anything like that would ever happen to me


or would it


I was going to darts on friday night.... took a peacefull walk from my mothers place to the place for darts... cut through the park... the path goes through the middle of nowhere... it's not dark yet but it's nearing that time... I am walking the path when I hear some odd noises in the bushes.... up ahead I see something move into the bushes.. a black little something or other.. then more odd noises.... course the way this story is going the black something jumps out of the bushes and starts gnawing on my neck or something... but sorry ... that didn't happen... I made it safely to darts...


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