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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I dont get much excitment anymore..... but I guess this is as good as it gets..... we are on the way home last night exchanging stories and among the strangeness.... our driver lets us know that she was driving and a seagull flew in front of her.... the car didn't slow down as a plume of feathers doused the car.... now we had a slight chuckle over this and kept driving along .... the topic of discussion changed as it usually does.... when all of a sudden our driver swerves into the other lane.... oddly enough it was to go around a seagull.... how nice.... must be a relative of the last stupid bird to grace the car's presence.... even more odd..... we all burst out in laughter recalling the story she had told a while before..... the driver says... didn't feel like scraping the guts off the car this time.... how enjoyable.... well I must get on with my horribly long day.... shift bid today.. I start at 1:30pm.... bid was at 10:30.... had to get the bus... so I've been up since 8am.... don't go home till 1:30am...... gonna be a fun day tomorrow....


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Creater: Joe Earhart