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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Friday, May 19, 2006

it's not every day that the police are outside ones house.... but today they were... thankfully I'm not nosey enough to go looking around or asking questions... just what I would have needed... cops coming to the door asking me questions about whatever was going on.... they took some kid away in the car after questioning him for a while... they took pictures of the store as well so it must have had something to do with that.. maybe the stupid punk yelled at the store worker or punched a wall or something.. who cares... they need to take the rest of the punk kids away as well lol... but I'm just happy the cops didn't come to my door askin if I had seen or heard anything .. they may have found my crops of weed.. I'm kidding sheesh... no really I'm kidding.... anyway I spose I could tell the story of one of the times I nearly got arrested lol...

me and two friends were walking through town.. I being the oldest but not really in charge lol.... the youngest of us decided to take a leak (piss) in a broken down shack thing that isn't used anymore (and I dont think it's even there now) anyway that is fine but then the guy decides to throw a big hunk of wood accross the shack making a pile of racket... next thing ya know we are continueing the walk home when a flashlight shines our way... a man says skews me fellers come over here... it's an officer.... the youngest fella nearly shits himself he's freaking out .. jumping out of his skin lol... me and the other guy are calm and collected as usual... the officer starts asking questions about what we were doing... the young fella says I'm not doing anything!! he says it in a manor that ya just know he's up to no good.. me and the other guy share a glance... knowing that the youngest is gonna get us in shit if he doesn't shut up... (not that we did anything wrong lol) we have the officer about to let us go when the youngest says something so stupid (I cant remember what it was) and the officer decides that we must have broke something decides to take us to look at the shack thing.. he looks around inside with his flashlight... nothing out of the ordinary (thankfully) except this big hunk of wood leaned up against the wall.... the officer seeing nothing is broken decides that it's enough and lets us go.... we start walking away and get away from the officer we turn to the youngest and yell at his pansy ass it was quite amusing now that we are older.... the other guy says to us that it was pretty lucky he moved the board to the other corner of the shack thing so the officer didn't see the big pee stain on the ground lol...


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