yes you guessed it... it's time... once again... for this years anual banana eating contest.... and for anyone that was at the monster trucks last night knows what I'm talking about.... they pick a couple people out of the crowd to come up on the .. well lets call it ... stage... they sit them down and tell them they are going to be blindfolded..... so one of them (usually a lady) gets blindfolded and they play the gags pretending to blindfold the other two and quietly get them off to the back again.... meanwhile telling them that there is to be a bannana contest... so they get the person to eat a banana as fast as they can... and play it of really good.... then they have a tie ... (remember there is only one person actually doing this)... so the tiebreaker is a dance off lol... picture this poor lady the only person doing the contest blindfolded and dancing her ass off (mind you her dance was quite funny kinda like the elaine dance from seinfeld)... then they tell her to take off the blindfold and voila... the embarased woman takes her prize and goes off to the back .... now if any of you didn't go to the monster trucks??? shame on you... it was a very good show... espeshuly the moto cross bike jumps... and yes I have pics hehehe...
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