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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Friday, September 22, 2006

so the thursday excursion is a new event that is becoming better each week... see last week roomie decided to try to pee behind slobway and ends up falling in what she thought was pee.... (we all have heard this one) but this week it was my turn to be the dumbass.... I could not formulate a sentance for the life of me except of course when it came to making fun of the crew that showed up at the bar... it was apparently a birthday bash for some very drunk horseface people.. I still can't figure it out.. but onward is Mr. Superman.. he was up on the floor dancing by himself.. he made the robot dance look good... I spose.... me and roomie still dance better ... we were on our way out when roomie's "date" told me to tell her that obie... "wan kenobie" can talk later online.... I spose only me and her are gonna get this joke... since her nick is koley... I swear he called her Obie not koley.. and even worse we almost had another slobway excursion except we knew it was closed but still walked down that way... I continued with get your rip on.... it's a thing that got a catch phrase for it tonight...

you know them signs that people put up on the telephone poles that announce someones important show in the near future or sadly the distant past but they forgot to take down.... well I help them out with that... along almost every pole along charolette street has about 10 signs posted on it.. yeah not anymore.. for the past three weeks I have ripped at least one sign down per pole while walking towards slobway... so roomie deems it get your rip on... (as in the song get yewr freak on by missy elliot) so moving on down the street we begin talking about songs and sadly I create a new catch phrase of my own... roomie says that normally I'm articulate (yew can look that shit up) but I slipped with the wonderful phrase of "The Only First Time I ever heard that song Shiny Disco Balls" well it was funny at the time... and now I dont know why except it just sounded weird to roomie and well I laughed at her laughint at me... the poor cabbie.. we get in the cabbie and while I'm trying to remember all the things I'm sposed to write about (yeah that's right I can't remember shit) he gets to hear about our eventfull night of laughing at the uglies crazies and well strange people.. I even got to leave a token of my appretiation for a fun night.. a blue label stuck on the wall behind our booth... I just hope it's still there when I visit the bar tomorrow... I'll have to take a pen and pad with me because of my CRS disease... yes that means can't remember shit people...


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