as I sit here making my preperations for tonights escape from reality I must post my most recent details of the event..... so ..... me and my little brother are out on the town doing chores and other things.... along the way is a trip to the clothes emporium called Value Village... I picked up a few things that would be instumental in the nights events... my custom Afro.... as you see to the left will be the main focus of my costume for the greatest night of the year.. yes the bar scene at a bar... dont worry better pictures are yet to come with the whole lot of us gonna be all decked out in some gear.... yes .. gear... and that's not all .... there are some stories of some of the things I picked up.... well ok so there wasn't an interesting story except for home hardware where I was getting my kewl chains for the nights events... and might I add they actually look quite decent.. but it doesn't matter.. the girl that was cuttin the chains.. yes she was kinda hot.... was flirtin with me while finding out what the chain was for... she even offered me her pimped out costume if I was her friend lol.. perhaps I should have told her to use it herself and come out with us.... yeah that would be the smart thing to do.... but of course I being a nice guy didn't... I'm sure there will be plenty of oportunities .. specially with the getup I have goin on.... yes the story will be fashioned tomorrow.. look forward to it.. on another note.... roomy wanted to put this on utube.... .but for your enjoyment pleasure... enjoy.. a video of dressup time for testing purposes.. I really think this should have been deleted but it's just too funny not to show to the world.. and since I dont care lol it's perfect...
ummm I'll try to get the link tomorrow as for some odd reason I can't find it and well I'm half in the bag...
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