I have absolutely no idea where or who I am...... awoke this morning to nothing but fogginess.... I remember two things..... I got robbed...... and I dont know how I paid for anything last night...
it started off with getting dialed up at home... I was doin pretty good.. had a few drinks and the costume was coming along.... I remember laughing and carrying on with roomie while doing so.... I remember hearing it's time to go (or something similar) ... I remember nothing after this in any detail... except that I got robbed....
I know we went from home to a friends place.... we watched her get herself all dialed up as a superwoman it was a pretty good costume.... roomie got all dialed up in her pimp coat and hat... I was to be her man whore..... super stuffed and all (if yew know what I mean)..... sadly there aren't any pictures from what I can recall... equally sad none of me unless someone at the bar took some... which I cannot recall at all... I have no idea how we got from above friends place to the bar but I know we went there.... I dont remember going up the stairs... I dont remember walking in.. and I sure as hell dont remember paying to get in.... I know I was there because of the stamp on my wrist and for some odd reason an entry form for something I'm assuming is the costume contest... why I have it I will not know.... but I'll assume for now it's because the good people from the bar gave me a ballot and I spose I was sposed to put my name on it.... great that was like giving a blind man a picture ... I dont remember being at the bar to get a drink but I do remember I had a drink because every time I tried to fix my awesome hat I spilled the drink all over me.... I must have looked some pretty... perhaps it was just the hat.... I had gone to the dollar store earlier and picked up some leighs for handing out to customers.... well hot girls I guess lol.... I remember handing out 3 of them for sure..... I have no idea where the rest went.... of the 3 I remember one went to the hot girl that serves the drinks.... she actually wore it all night.... the second went to some random person that I can't recall... the third is the most entertaining.... the thing fell apart.... I was taking it off my belt loop and passing it over to a girl but it didn't seem to be coming off all at once... I pulled and it kept coming.... I wish I could describe this properly... well how about this.. you know the magician act where he pulls the scarf from nowhere and it just keeps coming out of his hands??? yeah it was like that.... I remember this because I remember seeing the leigh on the floor stretched to it's limits...
this is the first halloween bar trip that I dont recall looking at other peoples costumes... as a matter of fact we may have been the only people dressed up.... the other odd thing was I dont remember them announcing a winner.... perhaps everyone was like me and went home with their ballots..... hell if I know I was way to drunk to know my name..... which brings me to me getting robbed...... I'm dancing away like I normally am except I'm all over the place... since it's halloween some strange force comes over me and I just lose control... I have no idea why but I am able to go up to anyone and just dance away.... and not get slapped.... it's great... but I'm getting off topik... I'm in the middle of the bar and next thing I know some girl comes up to me and says..... what's it gonna take to get that hat?? I'm trying to formulate a response but the words aren't coming out... I smile and mumble something incoherantly..... so she reacts by saying something else..... this completely blows me away..... I'll show you my boobs .....
ummmm ok
this girl (which I sadly have no memory of except that she was cute) looked around checking for bouncers and proceded to lift up her shirt flashing the entire dance floor..... and me with a center stage front row seat.... if only I wasn't drunk..... I might have been able to do something about it... shock took over at this point..... I've been flashed before but never in a bar..... as I stumbled around the dance floor trying to recover (remember I'm blitzed at this point with beer all over me to prove it) roomie comes over and says.... ummm that girl just walked away with your hat.... I couldn't even say anything about what just happened.... the rest of the night was a mystery to me.. this is the only thing that I could really recall.... yes of course... what normal man could ever forget being flashed in the middle of the dance floor in a bar with hundreds of people around.... I know I will not be forgetting any time soon.... I'm a bit mad that the girl did actually take the hat because it will be difficult to replace and well I need it for tonights fiasco.... I hope the girl shows up at one of the bars tonight with the hat on.... maybe I'll be able to at least talk to her.... maybe flash her to get it back lol......
I had typed up an extra bit that I had recalled but lost it and am very pissed off about it... I am beginning to really hate blogger's tools.... they are not reliable and I keep losing half of what I write... anyway here is my attempt to recall what I typed:

I suddenly remembered a few extra things about last night and will sum them up for you as follows
1. I had a huge bulge (and not just my tummy)
2. I recall walking to slobway after the bar... I recall my buddy darrell picking us up.. I dont recall how it got paid for or how I got in the house
3. while walking to slobway ... had another episode of get yewr wrip on.... (yes the wripping of the adverts from telephone poles)
4. I also believe I recall throwing one of these adverts at someone we were with... and I'm certain if I did she was very mad and was going to kill me
5. I can't remember a pile of what I wrote in the post that got lost because of blogger and I'm pissed about it
6. I have to go get a new costume because of last nights events
7. I must appologize for the link to the video... I can't post the link because I can't figure out how it works... when roomie wakes up (if she does) I'll get her to show me how to fix this
8. I woke up next to a cat... probably a good thing.. if I had woken up next to someone else it most likely would have been very akward
9. I have no idea why I just typed that... probably just needed something funny here
10. I found this as I was trying to figure out how the video thing works.. check it out.... Dont honk at old people
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