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Sunday, December 24, 2006

I'm taking a break from the story of my fantastic trip so I can put in a holiday message....

I'm working for a friend on Christmas eve.... and I tried to put in for Christmas day as well but it's not approved yet.... since I'm single and dont have a large family available to spend christmas with I had originally decided I would rather spend it in the hellhole job that I have grown to hate.... at least since it's a holiday I wont take many calls.... maybe I can make it through the day without slamming the monitor to the ground.... perhaps not... anyway this isn't what I want to talk about....

every year I have put aside time to create a Christmas page and then I send a link to everyone I know to enjoy my creation as well as share a message of warmth (or whatever) this year I have been so wrapped up in everything else or nothing at all that I really haven't done anything about the holidays except watch them zoom by.... I didn't even go out and get anything special for anyone..... I also didn't make or purchase any cards for anyone.... I really dont like this..... I managed to put out a christmas wish to anyone that I have interacted with over the past few weeks but I dont feel it to be enough....

I myself am not a big Christmas person but I do believe in the spirit of giving and love the way that some people seem to glow at this time of year... but I feel that it shouldn't take one day a year to make this happen.... people need to live every day like it's Christmas... I dont mean give gifts every day... I do mean treat everyone like they should be... and not just becauses it's a holiday and that's what people do.... when your walking down the street do you smile and say hello to everyone you pass? do you walk with your head up to see everyone that passes you.. drives by.. or signs or decorations in windows? or are you one of the people that walks with their head down not paying attention to the world around you.... a simple smile to a passerby can change a persons attitude for the moment... even for that one moment it could brighten a dreary day.... we need more of that as the world keeps changing...

I have many things that I have to get done as soon as possible so that I can get on with the next phase of my life but I'm going to take the day off and spend it with my mother on Christmas day... something I should do more often on normal days but have in recent months/years been avoiding.... I've grown distant from people because of some events this year but there is a short list of people that I've made a point to keep close.... I want to thank those people ... they know who they are..... I've made a few new friends this year.... lost a couple... but life is an unending chore.... I spose that all we can do is our best and I hope that I have been doing that....

I can no longer call myself a man of faith and I would never put forward a religion on anyone but I will agree that for the better of mankind a lot more kindness is needed and I have tried to spread as much as I could to my friends.... I hope that we can all do this to the best of our abilities.... even a little can be so much to some people.....

Happy Holidays... I hope you spend yours well and hopefully with family..


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