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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Sunday, December 03, 2006

well I got a car today.. a red Malibu.... what a nice fukn car lol... I did my last minute visiting.... it's funny.. nobody wants me to go.... or perhaps they are all just being nice.... but at least I get to hang with roomie for a bit.... that will be kewl... I also obtained a nice present from messenger and it got sent to almost everyone on my list.... for anyone that was silly enough like me to click on it and load the stupid thing.. yew can remove it with a scan at enjoy... I'm off for the world beyond for at least two weeks... if I get a chance I'll update with stories of my adventures.... internet will be dificult to find for the first little while though.. we shall see...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man I wish you all the best in your endevours I wish I could have said goodbye and I could not thank you enough with how you helped me out when I was in need of a place to go anyway Jee have a safe trip and Good Luck

4:10 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have fun, I miss you already! I hope to see you soon! Be good! NOT...

5:13 p.m.


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