well my adventure has been put on hold..... the rumor is true... I am back in cape breton... and the odd part is... it's kinda like I never left... on my way out of town I was thrust out with a snowstorm... on my way back in I was greeted with another storm..... the odd part is.... for the most part... this is the only place accross Canada that seems to have snow (other than the mountain region of course).... well except for Ontario... northern Ontario has much more snow at this time...
so my adventure has many stories to be told and rather than put them all in one post (which could take a while to read) .. I am gonna divide them up into a few stories to read over the week..... well I'll probably just end up writing them all up tonight but at least I have some decent pictures to go along with it..... I love my new camera.... anyway all in good time... for now I shall begin with my continuation of the adventures I've just gone through......
I left off with getting to halifax and getting on the plane.... there were a few things that I left out... I was a bit strained for time (was using the library internet and my dad was hovering over my shoulder lol) so as I mentioned I was stuck in over 3 hours of standstill traffic.. this was because of the above mentioned snowstorm that hit and some people just dont know how to drive... apparently someone had managed to get their car sideways blocking off both lanes of traffic.... and because of the snow it was impossible to get around him.... even the police and rescue trucks had a hard time because of two lanes of traffic blocking off everything.... but they eventually did and I finally got to where I needed to go.... along the way I managed to get lost of course... I'm not fantastic with directions the first time through... but I generally remember once I've done it once... my many adventures of the past few weeks i

so how did I get unlost..... well roomies cousin kept calling my phone ever 20 minutes to check my progress... she said that she felt like she was a girlfriend calling me to make sure I was coming home ..... we found that amusing.... anyway with her helpfull directions and my amazing driving ability I managed to get to her place in one peice..... along the way I took a wrong turn and while I was trying to turn around with the crappy tired malibu some jerk pulled into the street behind me blocking me in.... I had nowhere to go except for up the street.... of course blocking that side of the street is a big huge van... it's stuck spinning it's tires.... so now I have van spinning in front of me and idiot behind me.... I have no where to go and am about to get stuck myself ..... luckily jerkhole behind me pulls off to the side of the road and parks the car... I then proceed to back down the street and go about my merry way.... no way in hell was I helping to unstuck the big van after the hell trip into halifax....
the other thing I didn't mention happened at the airport... while I was waiting for my plane to begin boarding I was watching the traffic pass along... there was a number of different people walking about but for the most part at this perticular moment the people all seemed to be dressed up in suits .... very professional people and such.... except for one fella walking among them.... he looked very odd with the surroundings.... kinda like waldo in one of his Where's Waldo find me scenes lol...
anyway I have much more to tell but after the gruelling 4 day drive by myself accross the great country of canada... I am absolutely exhausted.... I will continue tomorrow... I kept notes of my travels so I wouldn't forget them lol for now.. enjoy .... sleep
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