I'm extremely tired... sore... and oddly enough.. relaxed.... and I owe this to my good friend(s) in halifax.... the weekend started off with rushing around town to get some last minute things worked out so I could take off for the weekend... after doing this I realize that I could go back any weekend I want... the only thing I'll change is that I'm not sleeping on the floor anymore.... (sadly I can't help if I pass out)

the rushing around town was to get a gift for roomie.... I needed to get some tshirt transfers for the creation I made .... a shirt that says: Support Cannibalism EAT ME!.... now the saying itself cracked everyone up (I got it online somewhere) but I put that on a Tshirt .... very decent... also picked up alcahol.... (for some stupid reason I forget that halifax is not like cape breton.. the city still lives after 10pm) and I get a pizza..... no a whole pizza.... it was requested... apparently Halifax does not have good pizza and I was informed I did not have a place to stay if I didn't bring one....
so the trip began with a long drive in the awesome car that I have grown to really love... it motors really good... and I bet a few people get upset when the kcar zooms by them... I made really good time.. but nothing interesting happened along the way... I got into town and drove by the house.. nobody was home.... I decided to do some shopping....
I haven't done any shopping in a very long time.... I dont like doing it.... when I say shopping I mean browsing through malls .. checking out stores.. not looking for something specific... just killing time and if I see something I like .. I get it.. well I went to walm

I swing back to the house... still nobody home... I go get something to eat then swing buy roomies work.. it's almost quittin time so I figure I'll give her a ride home.... the adventure nearly starts but first we need to get home wash up and stuff.... the plan is to go over to kim and bowers place for drinks and laughter.... shouldn't be difficult....
we start the drive.... I have no idea where I'm going and roomie knows where we are going but our communication is not together.... we drive the tour of halifax/dartmouth .... yes the scenic route.... I'm not complaining.. this is just part of the story... the only thing that sucks about it ... is that I dont really remember where we went lol... we did manage to get a very nice view of downtown Halifax/Dartmouth including the bridges.... I just wish the camera could take pictures of the dark with all the lights.. it was very beautiful...
we get to Kim and Bowers place and after all the hugging and introductions are made we begin to drink.... pictures are taken and other things happen.... I begin to black out.... (this is probably the reason I haven't drank much in 4 months) the only thing that saves me .... or perhaps creates even more fun ... is that I now carry a pen and paper with me..... apparently when I pulled out the pen and paper to write down some things that had happened roomie had burst out laughing.... but she knew this was because I usually get her to remember stuff for me....

the first thing that will get mentioned is the taxi drive... Frank the driver is a really kewl guy.... he made small talk with us... let us (except me.. I threw mine away) bring drinks into the van.... and he made an amazing slam dunk to put the toll fee in the meter as we drove by the gates to the bridge... (I hope I dont have to explain this) something that intrigues me is that on my paper next to Frank the taxi driver is written: I've had to much to drink.... I dont have pants... but I love you Frank...... I know this is not something to do with me but I have no idea what the pants thing is in reference to.... the girls were screaming I love you Frank as we got out of the van.... I had to clean up two of the beer cans because they didn't want to take them ... Frank thanked me....
we had decided to go to a bar called Cheers.... I'll first say wow... I really liked this place.... it was connected to three different bars.... personally I liked the middle one the best... it had better music.... the bar we stayed in gave us a booth so this is where we managed to settle.... the band was pretty good though... (I believe it was called tenmile house... though I could be mistaken... it's written on my paper lol) before I get into the bar a few interesting things happened... some random girl walked up and asked if she could stand in line with us... she was on a mission to get laid tonight (I sadly dont remember this part.. it was discussed the next day) the bouncer at the door told Leon to stand up straight... he was leaning against the building as we waited to get in.... spose the bouncer might have thought he was too drunk .... we pile into the building and the next bouncer is patting us down... I've never been searched to get into a bar before lol.... the bouncer was not impressed with me... I had a camera.. mp3 player.. cassete device hooked to that.. wires for my camera and mp3 player as well as gloves.. hat and

the rest of the night is a blurr to me.. I recall walking around the bar exploring it on my own... I recall wipping out the pen and paper to jot some things down and some girl named Tiffany took it upon herself to write down her number and said: YOu better call me!!..... I recall going to the Apple Barrel for food after the bar and I recall laying on the couch at Kim and Bowers place... I recall waking up to ladies noises.... I could only think of getting some water.... blah....
filling in the blanks the next day..... I took out the paper and started looking through the various things that made no sence to me... the pen and paper thing may not be the answer I'm looking for to refresh my horrible memmory the following day... now I'm not blaming alcahol... I'm blaming my inability to remember anything that I dont concentrate on.... or selective memmory perhaps... anyway among my pen scratch is a bunch of other peoples writing... the first is: u aint never gonna get us drunk enough..... second: NO ASS BOWERS Good Luck!!!
nice people I call friends lol....
third: Joe met the height requirement for the Apple Barrel ...... sheesh
fourth: Joe loves Koely cus she's awesome ... this being in the same writing as the third one... .I spose it's a good thing that we are such good friends ... especially when I read it off the next day in confusion... roomie bust out in laughter
so this is when I found out that I probably shouldn't be bringing a pen and paper with me to the bar.... especially when drunk... cause I really dont have any idea when the paper was written on or how it got out of my pocket then into my pants pocket... but also I have no idea how the pictures were taken either because I dont remember taking

another thing that was written down was a bathroom incident... when I first got to the bar I made the usual pit stop... after I was finished doin business I had gone to wash my hands... some girls had walked into the toilet.... apparently it's not uncommon .... more had walked in later in the night when I visited again... but the reason I mention this is because the first time the girls walked in... the two took a look around and said oh my... I'm not goin in here .. it looks weird.... I spose the two had never seen a urinal before and weren't sure if they could sit on it with a bunch of guys around lol... roomie tels me that some guy was in the ladies toilet and they exhanged looks.... he walked out... roomie shouted behind him.. dirty bastard yew could have washed yewr hands!!!!
another thing that was written on the paper was: gimme sumthin that doesn't leak... I had no idea what this was for.. but apparently Kim was brought a tea pot that was leaking all over the place.... I spose it was funny at the time... and Bowers nearly killed someone because her pancakes didn't get delivered...
I know I had a good time ... but I missed out on some things... which I plan to get corrected the next time I go....
good times
1:00 a.m.
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