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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Sunday, January 07, 2007

I'm still trying to catch up to my stories of things that have been goin on but I think I am there now.... I must go back to new years eve.... normally this is an exciting night for me but this year I was not expecting to have a good time at all... except for lounging around with mom watchin movies... first thing I will mention is that it was absolutely frreeezing cold outside..... I was expecting to have checkstops around the town but there weren't any.... for those that dont know what a checkstop is.... it's a police blockade making sure everyone that passes through is legal and not drinking... because of this I decided to change the tail light bulbs on the car... one was burned out.... sadly I couldn't figure it out and because of the cold I gave up.... (I managed to change the next day successfully)

since I hadn't planned anything I kinda winged it... my friend Gina convinced me to go to the Radio Club... I hate this place for many reasons but mostly because I'm always bored when I go there.... except that it's the only bar I was ever involved in a scuffle because of someone else..... (I'll not get into this) now normally I wouldn't make fun of the mentally challenged but you dont normally see them out at a bar either.... especially on New Years eve.... well as we waited for the challenged to do his pattented hand stuck up his ass we tried to ignore him... for me this is a task.... we socialized with some friends for a bit and then I took her home and rushed up to mom's for our annual cheeze tradition.... I missed this tradition last year.... perhaps it could mean something.... anyway the tradition goes you must eat cheeze as the new year begins for luck.... depending on how this year goes I bet I never miss this tradition ever again.....

after I rang in the new year with mom and my brother I headed off to hermans where more of my friends were partying... again it was absolutely freezing outside but thankfully the lineup wasn't too bad... among the waiting was a man with a dog.... the man was of course blind.... which was kinda cool in a way .. the guy was being hit on by the lady that takes the money ... it was interesting .... she even gave him a kiss and she wasn't even gonna take his money....

speaking of money it cost $12 to get in the place... a rip off if you ask me.... anyway I took a walk around the bar and finally found the girls... one of them started to thank me for taking care of them last week... a slight drink n spew event had occurred which I shouldn't mention but it was funny to all involved so I dont think it would be a problem now.... the girls were sitting at a table the week before when I came back from the bar.... one of them was doubled over... one was rubbing her back.... the one rubbing the back had asked me to get some water for one doubled over... I didn't make it back in time.... she had lost the contents of her stomach.... all of a sudden she leaned back and said... OOoooohhhhhh I feel better now...... we all laughed but it was time for her to go home... anyway this night was filled with saying hellos and Happy New Years to people in the bar... the band was half decent for once.... and yes I can say I recall because I was sober for the first time since I turned 19....

after I left hermans I made my usual stop at Slobway..... it was very strange.... I had an uneventful subway trip for the first time.... in months... absolutely no strange people or happenings... it felt weird... so I made my way home and lounged around for a bit when I heard something out front.... someone was on my step... small and blonde... she was crying.... it was very cold outside still... I opened the door and asked if she was ok..... she said she was waiting for a ride... I asked if she was sure they were coming... then she asked if she could wait in my porch.... I would have let her wait wherever she wanted lol but she settled with the porch.. I left the door open to let some heat out... it's cold even in the porch.... her ride eventually came and she comes in thanking me profusely and then said... if I win the lottery I'll remember you..... all I could think of is the lucky person that is living here at the time she wins the lottery ... I doubt it will be me


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