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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Thursday, February 15, 2007

I did it... I finally did it... I signed my resignation papers today.... and yes I mean for real.... conveniently I did it on the day I received a final written warning.... oddly enough I didn't get terminated...... some background on this.... recently there was an issue involving messenger at werk... of course we are not supposed to use it.....

I got caught.....

ordinarily this is not a big deal we are just told to close it and that's the end of it... well it started off that way.... the sup that caught me was a bit upset and forcefull and I completely understand.... he told me there would be a verbal warning... good enough I've learned my lesson..... 10 minutes later he's talking with another sup who happens to be doubling as something else....... all of a sudden I'm now being put on a final.... this means I can be terminated for something silly if they so desire.... it's a shame they didn't do that today...... I would have sang and rejoiced... so anyway it's final... no turning back.. I am done with Stream..... hopefully I can make it through my final 2 weeks without being escorted out or further incident.... I doubt that will happen though..... cause I just dont care anymore


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! You quit! Go you. SEE I AM TOTALLY READING YOUR BLOG. I think you should have more moon pics on here. ;)


1:31 a.m.


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