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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Friday, May 18, 2007

I'm getting the hang of working again.... working on ladders is even more fun... perhaps I'll even get used to being up 30 feet in the air someday... but I highly doubt it lol... it seems that there are strange people out this way as well... I'm used to having strange people go by in cape breton but not so much anywhere else... most of the strange people are either locked up or dont come out.... but anyway there are always exceptions... perhaps I'll describe what happened.....

a guy is walking along pushing a shopping cart... I think nothing of it because this does happen from time to time... the guy looks our way.... it was quite interesting to see us up 25 feet in the air strapping wire to a 4 story building... the guy keeps going.. but I hear his cart stop just past the building beside us... even more strange out comes a loud scream noise... it was a cross between a scream and a yelp as if you stepped on a dogs tail..... anyway I ignore the guy and get back to work when all of a sudden I hear this whooshing sound.... it seems that the guy with the cart has picked up a broken golf club and started swinging it in the air like a sword..... but what makes it worse... he's looking towards me up in the air... now I am baffled by this strange site and nearly fall off the plank laughing at the guy... perhaps I'm cruel but I think the guy was cruel..... I most likley would have died if I had fallen

it seems the cart guy likes the area because I saw him the next day pushing his cart and stopped at all the dumpsters around looking for bottles and cans..... gotta like strange people...

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Creater: Joe Earhart