the manager of the coffee shop is a bitch.... I know she's seen me before..... I have been in the place regularly for quite some time... I sit in the same spot each day and I am familiar to a few of the workers...... spose I should explain why she is a bitch... I understand that if you go into a place such as a coffee shop to use a feature of the place (free internet or toilets or something) you should purchase something there..... I'm not that much of a cheapskate.... but I dont agree with having to purchase something every single time you walk in and out of the place....
I came into the place today ... got my usual orange drink and sat down.... opened up my laptop started to do my thing when I received a phone call.... I had to go help my dad buy a camcorder..... so I waited for him at the coffee shop while I did my thing... he comes ... (by this point I know the hag lady saw me... she may not have remembered it perhaps ... whatever) I pack up my stuff and leave the shop.... go down the street to another store.. help make the purchase and come back to the coffee shop.... the trip wasn't more than 15 minutes...... I take my usual seat in the corner (so I can see everything) and set up..... I figured since I had already purchased the orange drink (even though I drank it already) I would be ok to sit back down and continue ...... I was wrong.....
the lady comes over to me and frets that I have a litre bottle of sprite on the table ...something she doesn't sell.... one I had grabbed from the car on my way back in.... it's supremely hot here and the little 355ml bottle of crap they sell isn't gonna cut it.... well I inform her that I had already purchased a bottle not more than half an hour ago and that I had left then came back.... surely it wouldn't be a problem.... I even said I would purchase another one.... but I gave her the look.... yes yew know the one (I thought I was gonna get tossed out lol) so the bitch walks away and I go to the counter to purchase yet another drink... the two workers are busy with other patrons that actually want something and the bitch walks past the counter... yes the one I'm standing at ..... and proceeds to do something else.... so I wait.... she walks past me again...... I wait some more... one of the other girls comes over and said "hi again" cause she had recalled waiting on me already..... and I said "the usual again" and she gets me another bottle of the same shit I get every time I come in.... I gave the bitch lady the look again.... I think she got the point... I'm not just some freeloader..... it wasn't the purchase that bothered me.... it was the grief she would give a regular customer as opposed to one of the weirdos that frequently come in just to use the toilet and not even buy something... yes this does happen very often..... this could also be the reason that they keep the toilets locked and have the keys by the register..... but they still dont stop people from coming in off the street and using them without purchasing something...... so hag lady... fuck yew.... oh and by the way.... the bitch lady waited on the next customer...... that is why I call her a bitch.. but at least she gave me something to write about
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