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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

spelling.... does it matter?? .... in some situations yes.... do people spell words incorrectly... yes a lot of the time... especially when people are in a hurry.... me...... I let every one know up front that I'm a terrible speller (course I'm not for the most part but I'm indeed not perfect) ... a lot of it is a matter of choice ... of course my personal thoughts would be portrayed in a different light of actual writing.... but I must agree ... I am a terrible speller at times... then there are the few werds I choose to spell wrong because it's my style of writing... (yes I know I spelled words as werds) yew for you... and even newer.... ewe for yew or you.... but they way I spell doesn't impact my message for the most part or I'm certain I would have heard about it much sooner than this.... blogger doesn't have a spell chequer... but even if it did I probably wouldn't use it... well maybe I would... there are a few words that I take the time to look up if I think they are incorrect.... but of course if I'm in a hurry there is no way in hell I'm taking the time for that.... or maybe I just dont care if it's spelled correctly.... this is for the most part just quick thoughts to make an attempt for someone's temporary entertainment..... and in some cases it is just that.... a few of my readers only read this drivel to keep tabs on me.... or for the simple fact that once in a while I actually do have something funny to write about.... sadly today is not one of those days.... and this isn't a rant... so whatever it matters not....

but then again.... I just received an email from my mom.... for those that dont know... she was a hairdresser that still has her own shop (for part time regular customers) and we can imagine how many hair products are in a hairdressers shop..... I've been informed that my wonderfully talented little brother has more hair products than the shop does.... is he a little vain?? but then he does have much more hair on the top of his head than I do..... (I said top of head.. he has yet to grow a beard as well as I do lol)


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