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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Friday, September 28, 2007

strange things happened last night... or perhaps I shall say it differently.... a dood said some very strange things to me last night.... I went down to the bar to chill out .... luckily ran into some people but before they came in I was given a speach... or maybe the guy was preaching.... I'm not entirely sure still.... but I will share some of the conversation highlights....

first of all I'm sitting at the bar .. by myself... just taking in the sights.... a fella comes over and introduces himself... first reactions had me freaking out... but it wasn't anything like that (he wasn't hitting on me)..... it was worse....

after he introduced himself he started by stating.... "I have something to discuss with you... now most people just disregard it or shoot it down.. but just listen to what I have to say before you judge it"

I decide to go along with it.... after all I'm here for entertainment... and this seemed to be the beginnings of it.... the guy starts rambling on... I dont remember most of it but the highlights appear to have him believing that there is a mysterious hidden planet in our solar system.... admits there are many other solar systems given that there are millions of stars in our galaxy and there must be other planets around them stars like our sun.......

he's completely baffled by this missing planet and believes it to be there and we will discover it in 2010....... it's hidden because there is highly intelligent life on it that chemically engineered us humans..... that's right... we are engineered by an alien race and the proof is everywhere......

sadly the guy couldn't give me any legitimate proof other than this mysterious planet that doesn't exist........... yet......

but then he began telling me stories about the bible or rather that the bible was a story about humans or some weird shit...... this is where I just broke down and started laughing at him.... so I'm sorry I dont really recall what he actually said about the bible ... but it was something to the effect that the bible was created to document something historically important about this alien human making race.......

he actually compared the bible and humans being created by aliens.... but he believes in god...... I was baffled myself that they let this guy out in public.... a million things sprang to mind but I really didn't want to debate a subject I detest with a moron that couldn't debate playing go fish with a deck of cards..... so I cut him off from his discussion and told him that he lost my vote with his intriguing theory when he mentioned the bible ... or rather compared the bible and his rediculousness.....

myself I'm not really one to defend the bible or call it blasphemy either but I'm really tired of people using the bible to convince others of their point of view.... especially when the bible contradicts completely what they are trying to say...... such as alien races engineering us from a missing planet....... however after thinking about this a little more...... the alien race could be deemed as ...... God....... and the mysterious planet.......... heaven/hell ........ but did this guy think of that last night?? hell no!!!........ and I'm not giving my good ideas to a moron..... oops.... maybe by me telling this story I've just given someone some amunition to start a new religion themselves... .... maybe I'll start my own.... yeah I'll call it ImadeUpraiseME....... but I wont ask you to kneel before me...... I'll think of something else to prove your undying devotion for me..... I'll get back to yew about this..... in the year 2010 when I see this amazing planet appear from no where


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