why?????????????? I just dont understand some people..... believe it or not.... not everyone smokes.... and yet some people assume that everyone does.... or even if yew dont smoke... you should still have some on yew that they can either bum or buy...... either way.... when I say I dont smoke to these people that ask the wonderful question......
can I buy a smoke off yew? or yew got an extra smoke?
why do they give me a dirty look or one of curiosity that I'm lying to them..... perhaps I should start responding with yew got a beer? I'll trade yew my non existant smoke for yewr non existant beer..... sounds like a decent trade to me..... in any event I think I shall start calling these people on the dirty look they give me..... like what the fuck is yewr problem .... yew are bumming me for a smoke and I'm the monster for saying no....... whatever pal
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