as many of those that know me ... know this is my favourite time of year.... though I haven't been away from home for halloween in a long time I am finding that things aren't out of the ordinary.... so far......
I have been looking forward to partying with the locals but I didn't quite know the days that the parties were taking place.... sadly I found out I missed one of them... but I didn't miss the biggest one.... the local community center holds a party every year and I found out about it the day of the party..... while I was at work.... my halloween stash of costumes and such is back home in cape breton so I am without a costume and my real idea I wont want to was
te until I can spend halloween at home .. or at least with a bunch of real friends

after I finished work I scrambled to the local stores to come up with an idea other than a scarecrow (which I have never been but always wanted to try it) but the local stores were just tooooo busy and I didn't want to compete with the savagery in the middle of a store..... I quickly found a hat and shirt and dissapeared to work on the rest of the costume... by the time I got home I had two hours to get ready.... and I realized that I didn't get any makeup.... but I think the makeshift mask I made from scratch worked out pretty good.... you'll notice that it appears wet around the mouth.... I found that beer goes through the mask quite well
I get to the party to discover that they have a $10 cover charge.... but I must admit it was worth it... the band was fantastic... the only thing that was missing was my halloween buddy.... and she better send me pics of her night out too lol.... so being in a new place and not knowing anyone I began the halloween stagger.... I took up posts at different parts of the hall and every now and then people would turn around and point at me... a mixture of "Oh my god" to silly laughter.... pretty much the whole reason I love halloween....
then I pulled out my camera.... I started taking pictures of some decent costumes when all of a sudden some guy comes running out of the crowd.... he's got a storebought costume of an Egg riding a chicken.... he starts dancing or jigging out in front of me so I take a picture... he freaks out and wants to see the picture..... I show him and then he starts exclaiming it's awesome and how cool I am... I want to leave but this over excited weirdo has his arm around me ... eventually he loses interest and runs off to bother other people.. but it was quite funny to see
after the hall party gave out the prizes the crowd started to leave and we made our way over to a different bar.... at this point I had the mask off and some woman came up to me (she was dressed in a doctor suit) and told me that she liked my costume but it creeped her out.... isn't that the whole idea???? but now that I've been unmasked I am gonna have to come up with a different costume for wednesday's "skaraoke" at least I should know a few people this time ... and perhaps I'll even make some people scream..... it's happened before lol
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