is my specialty.... but it sure was different not wearing a mask to the party... and I am thankful to at least remember most of the night unlike last year...... as soon as I walked into the bar people started laughing and pointing.... I achieved success in 3 seconds upon walking in... a mixture of beer guy to headcase were shouted..... although I still have yet to win an official prize in all the years I have participated.... that's ok ... my prize is the stories ... and speaking of which .. the hijacking little old lady got me to dance to krapaoke.... yes I'm amazed myself... even more amazing I willingly got up and sang all on my own.... well ok sort of... I requested to sing a song.... and was given such an opportunity... but I'm certain I sounded like a banshee or something... but then again I could have been drowned out by my accompaniment.... half way through singing happy birthday to my dad the dj running the show tells me to look at the screen .... he actually has a karaoke track for happy birthday ... I was so stunned by this that I completely ruined the song.... I was singing happy birthday to my dad and the stupid karaoke screen was trying to tell me to sing some added verses that I never heard before.... but I bet it was quite funny watching me stumble over the words.... or maybe just funny that I probably was doing the mumbled version of happy birthday because I know that I was faking the singing when I was told to do the track instead of a simple happy birthday (which was all that I had planned)
Thursday, November 01, 2007
I was a hit last night at the last halloween party... so much so that I got kidnapped by a little old lady and she forced me to be her partner in the couples prize contest .... I suppose it could be worse... sadly I have no idea what her costume was.... apparently being inhibriated during halloween
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