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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Thursday, November 08, 2007

it might be just me but I think the world is gonna be destroyed .... and it will be done by us.... but not in the way your thinking.... pollution and other crap things will do damage but I think the world has ways of correcting itself in that respect... I mean everything that we do to it came from it and goes back into it...... so we may not make it through but the world will still be here.... unless

we blow it up.....

and yes I think that is what we are gonna do... maybe not all of us.. but it will only take one moron to make it happen.... what brings this on you ask? I heard the most outrageous thing today.... now before I mention it.... there may have been a perfectly good reason for it... but it's just strange if you ask me.... after all.. they are mostly given out for free

again what am I talking about.... poppies.... not real ones.. the fake ones that are given out to pretty much everyone... usually for a minimal deposit of a few cents or whatever... most of the time the people running the poppy stands just give them out... after all we all remember what the armed forces do and did for us.... well some people are either driven by lunacy or just plain mean... I'm not sure which and I'd like to think that they did it for a good reason but some lady actually stole a box of poppies from a store counter.... she walked in..... grabbed the box off the counter.. and ran out of the store.....

I've seen some stupid things but when I heard this ... I was in disbelief..... I didn't hear it from some person around... it was announced over the radio lol..... craziness is all I can say... so because of this I am convinced that the human race is doooooomed.... and only because of a handful of idiots..... I hope I make it through my longevity before the idiots take over.... oh wait there already is government.... well at least I might outlive the current people in power.... then again... the way things are going.... who would want to


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