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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Thursday, December 27, 2007

There are a couple of things I really should write about, but I must start off by saying I haven't had a decent night out in a very long time. Tonight that changed as I went out with my old roomie Koley. Let me tell you it was something else, as it usually is. I can't really begin with much as there isn't much to say other than someone slept in. (yeah past 11pm) No it was not me, however that is another story. I stepped out tonight to the bar as I haven't done in a very long time with a good friend of mine. We had a very good time (well at least I did lol) we caught up from old times, told stories and such but then it was time to go home. On the way home we had to stop for something to eat. This is of course what other people needed to do as well. My car, like some others, a standard transmission and without a working parking break, will roll back on an incline when out of gear did that tonight. I was in a deep conversation with my passenger so I was not really paying attention, so without my knowledge the car did just that. I happened to look in the rear view mirror, the lady in the passenger seat of the car behind us was freaking out. The guy in the drivers seat got out of his car and came up to me. I rolled down the window to hear him as he stated:

Could you get off my bumper?

I almost choked on nothing with laughter. So did my passenger. This will be forever the best joke I will ever tell for years to come. If for some odd reason the guy happens to read this, I am extremely sorry for not really paying attention as my car was sitting for a minute when I took my foot off the break and did not move anywhere. Because of this I just went on with the conversation resting my feet. If I had known I rolled back I would have done something about it other than laugh. There couldn't have been much damage (other than the screaming woman in your passenger seat) but I am very sorry just the same (I dont say that to just anyone)

No damage done and best of all we both get a story out of it (I bet I tell it better than you)

I should mention that I received the second greatest gift I have ever recieved this christmas. Yes ladies and gentleman, it was a cowbell. You may reffer to a prior story on this blog for more information regarding the story it originates from. If you dont want to look back (or forget) then you can do a search for: SNL Blue Oyster cult and watch the hillarious clip.


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