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Random ramblings of a madman that will "possibly" make yew laff...

Monday, February 18, 2008

I was going to wait till I took a picture of the sign to talk about this but I just cannot wait any longer. I found it interesting that I came accross a sign in Cape Breton that says:

Left Turning Traffic In Left Lane

Now I would expect this to be common driving practice for a double lane "Highway" anywhere in Canada. I really dont think there should be need for a sign of this type. Nor should this sign be a huge yellow one at least five feet wide. Perhaps there are some people that think they can do whatever whenever. Well ok, I'm sure that I felt that I could do whatever whenever but even I must admit there needs to be some rules that are followed. Especially driving rules.

My poor little brother was traumatized today. It's raining out and some people slow down when they are driving. Ok I do sometimes as well but not as bad as most around here because I still feel I'm in control. Regardless, we are travelling on a double lane bi-directional road. I'm passing a bus. In front of the bus is a car with the left signal light on. It slows down but stays in the right lane. I begin to slow to let the car in because I figure it's going to get in my lane regardless if I speed up or not. It doesn't. The car is still going really slow in the right lane and I'm becoming impatient.

I gather speed to pass the car because the bus is now passing me on the right lane but also slowing because of the stupid car in front of it. A car is coming toward us in the opposite direction, of course it's in the closest lane to me because it's passing a car on it's right. To recap, the four lanes of traffic now have a car in it thankfully not totally lined up. I'm passing the car on my right just after passing the bus. A car is coming towards me that is passing a car on it's right. The moronic slow car begins to turn left onto a different street just as I get beside the fuckn idiot. That's right, the moron made a left through four lanes of traffic.

Thankfully I'm well aware of the idiots intentions and am just by him/her when he/she makes the turn but my poor brothers life flashed before his eyes. I swerved just enough to miss the oncoming car and the moronic idiot that nearly rammed into all of us. I have no idea why that idiot was trying to turn when cars were coming toward him/her anyway. Perhaps he/she just wanted to be creamed by me or the bus. Yes by this time the bus was following behind me now.

I just hope the moron had to go home to change his/her shorts after that. The reminder of crap in his/her pants might make him/her stay off the road for a while.


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